President’s Notes, June 2019
Most likely you may not receive this issue prior to the conclusion of the Midwest Stud Ram Sale and our first National Sale that is being held there. I am pleased that the numbers of natural colored sheep at this sale has substantially increased this year and know many fine animals will be offered for sale as a result of these consignments. I want to thank all those breeders who supported this first sale and to increase the numbers at Sedalia.
The numbers at the Ohio sale were down this year, but there was plenty of quality available. Complete sale results will no doubt appear elsewhere in this issue. Again our Junior Association did a great fund raising job during the Ohio sale and there were several futurity nominated lambs there as well. Also congratulations to those members and breeders who held quite successful on line sales.
The national show is coming up the weekend after July 4th at the Black Sheep gathering and I look forward to seeing many of our members at that show. The Black Sheep gathering will be able to return to their usual late June dates again next year as unfortunately a conflict occurred in this year’s scheduling which required a later date for this year only.
At the recent board teleconference meeting we did confirm that if you register an animal and at the same time transfer the sheep to a purchaser you will not be charged except for the registration fee which will help everyone selling newly registered lambs save some fees.
Good Luck to everyone who will be exhibiting at the coming fairs.