NAILE Regional Show
I just returned from our regional show at the North American International Livestock Show. This was the 50th addition of the North American show. We had a large number of entries and absolute excellent sheep through the entire show. Dylan Craig of St. Joseph, Illinois was Supreme premier exhibitor, having been Premier exhibitor in the medium wool division and also had the overall Supreme flock. Complete results will be listed in the Banner. Hats off to our judge, Emma Peters who did an outstanding job of judging our Regional Show! The North America or NAILE as it is commonly called does a nice job of running the various breed shows and is without a doubt “THE” premier Livestock exposition in the nation and exceptionally so in the sheep shows.
We also had 23 natural colored fleeces exhibited in the wool show which approximately equaled the number of white fleece entries! Again the fleece quality was exceptional.
I would encourage everyone to start thinking about exhibiting sheep and/or fleeces next year as this will be our 2024 National Show! Even if you are not able to bring any sheep or send a fleece it is well worth your time to attend this event especially if you have not been to the NAILE before.
John Merlau