President’s Notes
I have been way behind in posting my notes but wanted to catch everyone up on some things. First, I wanted to welcome Ryan Craig as out new vice president and Robin Corzat as our new executive board member. We will also be switching registry work to Associated Registry later this Fall due George’s retirement. There will be more information on the switch over in the coming weeks and I believe the changeover will be accomplished with little if any problems. I hope to see many of you at the upcoming National Show in Oklahoma City later this month. Later this fall in November there should also be a lot of top natural colored sheep at the North American Livestock Show in Louisville. It also looks like there were very strong natural colored shows at all the State Fairs that have been concluded so far this year, Congratulations to all the State Fair winners. I do know sale prices for natural colored sheep have been exceedingly strong and our future looks bright. For those starting fall lambing I hope you have a successful lamb crop.
John S. Merlau